Parallel Colony
There isn't a ton of information out about Parallel colony. You have to really poke around to piece together what this project is about. Due to this information asymmetry, $PRIME is vastly undervalued. The goal of this write-up is to shed some light on Colony.
Colony is a game that combines the two most bullish innovations within crypto to date: 1) the AI economy and 2) Play2Earn.
AI economy
Arthur Hayes has a series of essays [1][2] outlining an "AI economy”. This is the idea that different LLM/AIs will interact with each other, transferring information and value in exchange for cryptocurrencies. These AIs will be programmed with the objective of maximizing earnings for themselves (and their owners).
Arthur’s vision fast forwards us to an end state, one where LLMs and chatbots have a dominant, parallel economy. However, between now and then there needs to be a few iterations in order to polish this idea and scale it out.
Axie Infinity pioneered the play2earn category -- play a game, earn AXS tokens. As the price of AXS tokens went up, this created a situation where folks from developing countries were able to earn multiples of what they could earn in a regular job. To participate in this, an Axie NFT was required. At some point, these NFTs recorded a sale of 300E (close to 1M USD in today's ETH prices).
Axie infinity peaked at a 10B market cap (FDV was much higher) last cycle. Whether this was justified or not is can be argued, but it certainly brought legitimacy and attention to the play2earn model.
Parallel Colony
Why is this relevant to the Parallel Colony? Parallel colony is a game where you control an LLM (AI) that plays the game for you. Overtime, your actions and the corresponding gameplay serves as data that the AI iterates on, developing a personality/style of their own.
These AIs take advantage of the ERC 6551 token standard. In short, ERC 6551 allows NFTs to also function as wallets themselves (this is the technical development that enables Arthur's LLM economy). Through this game, you and your AI are able to earn $PRIME -- reminiscent of Axie's play2earn model. However, instead of lending out your NFT to someone, your AI is your "worker". Check out the teaser of the mobile game play here.
It's also apparent that the team has thought through the dynamics between the TCG and colony. In short, there will be some overlapping utility between certain TCG cards and items in Colony providing areas of demand around the $PRIME token.
Lastly, it’s still early (and I’m sure the team is still experimenting) but it looks like the original plan was to build this on Base and scale it out to a Colony specific chain. They’ve since teased looking at Solana as well.
Can you imagine a world where either:
Coinbase is soft-shilling Colony to all 100M+ of their DAU or
The Solana community (manlets, led by Ansem) are taking over the timeline advocating for Parallel Colony
The white paper of Prime Colony is coming out soon but for now, there isn't much official info. However, it really seems they are building the first iteration of the AI economy meets play2earn. And although this may take some time to play out, the team's level of execution with the Parallel TCG makes me extremely bullish for what is to come.
$PRIME token accrues value from both the TCG and Colony. If there's any chance that the team can deliver, $PRIME at 400M marketcap is criminally undervalued.
I'll be watching this Prime colony like a hawk and will share any exciting developments as we continue along.